The London luck

The London Luck..

As Samuel Johnson infamously suggested “When a man is tired of London.. then he’s tired of life..”

There are seeds of truth to this, but personally, after trawling my ass in the snow across London,  I’m fucking exhausted..  I guess he means tired of London as opposed to, tired in London.

So, I’ve moved to London. So that’s four cities I’ve lived in this year… Tick!

There’s a huge amount going on here, whatever is your flavour. Far more than the other three cities,

Berlin, Paris and Dublin..

Today I was in the modelling agency for a bit of ”training’ to be a scout to get new models in.
David is the boss, a small guy from Barcelona with the most inflicted Spanish lisp I’ve ever heard.
Teh Teh Teh L’teh teh.    .. Skinny Model..  L’teh teh teh .. Nice Skin et Nails..

Apparently tonnes of people applied to do it but only myself and this girl were ‘chosen’.
”We picked you, because you look like you work in here.. ” he lisped away.
I guess he was talking about the londan look.. Cringe..

(Puts on obvs Fake eye lashes and gets complaints from advertising authority )

He’s also homo, so it always helps when you’ve got the gay mafia on your side. Then if you want after a period of time, you would work full time as a booker in the agency.

Sounds like a glorified secretary to me. Then again, recently most jobs sounds like a glorified version of something else.
Unless you’re creating or designing something. Then you can be a glorified version of yourself.
Glorified or not, perhaps it’s great way to meet new people hot people and make some extra cash.
Went out to

The Joiners Arms, T-Bar XXXBingo, George & Dragon for Xfactor finale – em forgets rest.

New word of the week.

Dysphemism, opposite to Euphemism,

Meaning: The replacement of an inoffensive word by an offensive one

Fav quote of week from David McDermot

Rang David, “Stephen can you call me back in 15mins. I’m with my celebrity friend and I’m just in the middle

of telling her love stories”

Last Day Of Spring,

I read this really touching short story by Celia Fremlin yesterday, and like it so much I’ve re-written it out..  Christ pass me the vino ploise..

There’s a lovely buzz in Montmatre today.


Paris is back, busy again and everyone is finished Le Grand Vacance which lasts for the month of August. It’s noticably busier everywhere, and all of the re-opening parties are begining right …….. now.

Last Day of Spring

Even thought her eyes were closed, Martha Briggs knew that the sun was shining.  The warmth was creeping slowly, gloriously across the blankets, and any minute now it would reach her face, bathe her in lovely, lovely heat. And after that it wold creep across the pillow to Thomas’s side of the bed, and wake him too. Now that he couldn’t get out of the bed any more, it was a shame that the sun didn’t get to his side first; He should have had it all, every scrap – she would have pushed her own share over to him, if she could! Old though she was, the thought made Martha giggle a little; and the thin dry sound coming from her lips roused her a little further. But she wouldn’t open her eyes yet. No, this was the loveliest bit of the whole day, lying here with Thomas, waiting for the sun to reach her face. Strange how the sun seemed to shine every morning now that she was nearly ninety years old. Such lovely sun, too – it must be spring, day after day. If only she could get Thomas into his chair by the window; but he was too heavy, she couldn’t lift him any more.

Thomas… What was it that was worrying at the back of her mind, spoiling this lovely lying still in the sunshine? Then she remembered. Of course! It was Thursday. This was the day when that Welfare woman with the clumping shoes was going to come and take Thomas away.

Take Thomas away, indeed! Martha had never heard of such nonsense. As if she couldn’t look after Thomas herself while he was ill! Hadn’t he ever been ill before during their sixty years together, and hadn’t she nursed him then, Of course she had – and before this clumping woman had been born or thought of, too!

She tried her hardest to remember what the creature had said. For a little while she could only remember the great shoes; and the snorting, breathy sort of voice that was so difficult to hear. Then slowly the woman’s words came back to her;

“It isn’t that we’re criticising you, Mrs Briggs, not for one moment. We know doing your very, very best – you’ve done wonders for your age, I know you have. But you see – well, I’m sure you’ll agree with me really – it isn’t right, is it, that he should be lying like this at past midday, not been attended to, not even had his breakfast yet! And the room…! You do see, don’t you Mrs Briggs? It simply is too much for you – it’s you we’re considering really, you know, just as much as him. And he’ll be quite happy, I promise you, he’ll have every attention…”

On and on went the voice in Martha’s mind, and she almost smiled at the absurdity of it all. As if she and Thomas couldn’t have their breakfast when it suited them! If they liked to lie like this in the sun for a little while first, whose business was it but their own?

Still, perhaps it would be a good idea, this morning, to teach that creature a lesson. She’d get up early and cook a good breakfast. Now, what would they have? An egg. Of course. She would fry an egg for Thomas. He would love that, with a bit of fried bread. She knew there was an egg somewhere, and he should have it. Then she would scrub the floor until the board shone white in the sunlight; she would wash the curtains – she could almost see them now, billowing clean and lovely on the line. She would polish the chest of drawers; and rub the window till it shone. Too much for me, indeed! thought Martha: I’ll show her!

But the sun was right on her face now, in all it’s glory. It would be a shame to get up at this minute, just while it was like this. She would lie and enjoy it for a minute or two longer…

Martha woke with a start. How tiresome! She must have dozed off, and now would have to hurry to get everything done before that woman arrived.  She climbed stiffly out of bed and fumbled about for her dress. Where could it have got to, Then she remembered: of course, she had to sit quite still on the edge of the bed for a bit in the mornings, then things sort of straightened themselves out.

Her head was dropped a little forward, and she could see lots and lots of floor. It was quite true, it was dirty. And what was worse, now that she was up all her enthusiasm for scrubbing it had drained away. The vision of sunlit, white scrubbed boards was gone, and she could think only of the backbreaking weight of the pail, and the ever more perilous feat of getting down onto one’s knees and then, somehow, getting back up again…

But at least she had found her dress. At least that woman would find her up and dressed this time, and Thomas with a good breakfast in front of him. She made her way into the kitchen and set about preparing the meal.

But how had the fat in the frying-pan managed to burn black and smoking in just that moment  or two it had taken her to find the egg? How tiresome things were! She poured the blackened mess away and started again, and this time it was wonderful. The egg was fried plump and golden, a little crisp round the edges, just the way Thomas like it, and the fried bread was delicately brown. That’s what he needed to build up his strength, a good breakfast like this every morning. It would be quite a job to buy an egg every day out of her tiny pension, but she’d managed it this time, and she’d manage it again. Oh yes, it would be worth it, to watch her Thomas grow strong and well again with good food inside him.

Now to get it into the bedroom. Slowly – oh, so slowly, because the boards had grown so uneven and treacherous of late – she carried it across the landing and into the bedroom. First she must put it down while she got Thomas propped up comfortably on his pillows.

But when she tried to put it down on the chest of drawers she found to her annoyance that there was no room there. It was all cluttered up with stuff – what was all this rubbish? She looked more carefully – and a dull bewilderment gripped her. For on the chest of drawers already was a plate with a fried egg on it – ice cold and congealed. And another, and another…  each with its loathsome wrinkled egg, staring at her like ancient eyes. Something, half a memory, half a fear, made her turn slowly, slowly, to look at the bed. Yes, it was empty. Stark, staring empty. Thomas was gone.

She knew she must sit down on the edge of the bed and think this out. There was something – something she half remembered – something that made sense of all this. Of course!  That was it!  It was the wrong Thursday!  That woman had already come on some other Thursday – last Thursday? – the Thursday before? – and had taken Thomas away!

Taken Thomas away! The import of the words slowly sank into her. How could she have let it happen? She, who had defended her family against all corners; she who in her time had stood up to rent collectors, probation officers, school-attendance officers, bailiffs, all the lot of them- how could she have let this flat-footed woman take her Thomas away?

She must think, think. When did they take him? Where did that woman say?

The hospital. Of course, Thomas was ill; it must have been the hospital. She would go there right now and fetch him, fetch him home herself, and when she got there and sat down at last on the hard bench, how they did talk! One after another of them, flashing about in front of her, snapping out questions like firecrackers.

“No record of it.” “No such admission” – the senseless words kept tossing about among them like paper balls – like little girls playing ball in a unlit garden…

Sister spoke a little louder, still patiently:

“Do you understand? You must go to the Enquiry desk, and they’ll give you a form. You must fill in the patent’s name and address, the date of admission..”

But Martha Briggs was no longer listening to her. Because right now at the far end of the shadowy stone corridor she could see Thomas. How well he looked! and- why – he was running, actually running towards her, with his dear, grey hair all rumpled and his arms outstretched!

“Thomas!” she cried, in joy and anxiety, “Thomas, my darling, you mustn’t run! – your heart…!”

She drew one breath of sweet, cool air, and then somehow seemed not to need another; for now she too was running, lightly, lightly, like a bird, her feet skimming over the stone. How wonderful it was to run, and run to meet your love.

“Will you please go to the Enquiry desk…” Sister’s voice broke off suddenly. A less expert eye than hers would have scarcely noticed the slight change as the old woman’s head dropped a little further towards her chest and the faint breathing stopped.

Somerset Maugham

While I drew for you the portrait of a man, just an ordinary fisherman who possessed nothing in the world except a quality which is the rarest, the most precious and the lovelist that anyone can have. Heaven only knows why he should so strangely and unexpectedly have possessed it. All I know is that it shone on him, with a radiance that, if it had not been so unconscious and so humble, would have been to the common run of men hardly bearable; And in case you have not guessed what this quality was; I will tell you.

Goodness, Just Goodness.

(Somerset Maugham, Salvatore)

Sensational ending by Maugham, in the short story Salvatore.

Got home at 3 today from last night, Christ 🙂

OOh Red Red Wine, Go to my head…


Went to the Irish embassy again. After which I met a European cultural affairs director, Tomas a with Frank in a cafe, they were having cocktails but I was still dying so had green tea instead. In Paris, having some level of important social standing is far more respected than accumulating money, like say in the USA, because Paris has so much old money. It’s obtained by the job you have, whom you know and what you’ve achieved, which is why so many people are desperate to get into one of the prestigious Grand ecoles. Its also why they love pomp and ceremony about the smallest things… and the bigger ones too 😉 .

We raced through through the Cite De L’Architecture

And went to the cafe seating area at the back that has view directly facing the Eiffel tower.  Must remember to pop back with a bottle of vino avec mes amie. By now I was wracked, went home and  later that night I had bottle of pressco and bottle of vino. Across town.. Frank was having drinks in  “The Bears Den”. So I joined him. Hilfuckinglarious. It was actually OK in the inside. Think we were the only people drinking white wine though. It was less trashy or whatever than i thought it would be. Apparently if I was in there with a beard I’d be called an Otter.  Several bears later my porridge was getting cold and Goldilocks wanted out. So Frank and myself headed onto to Les Souffleur, bumped into Josie, Sarah, and the gang.  Another very late night…


I got to wondering…when are these atrocious hangovers going to end. Little did I know I would out do myself today. Met Frank in the well known Brassier Chartier and had some Steak mignon which came out rare and half bottle of rose between us. Food was.. mediocre but quite cheap. Coincidentally we bumped into Josie and Sarah who were dining there with Josie’s parents.

Then off to the food hall in Galerie Lafayette, which is an experience in itself they have an amazing selection of goods. Goop says yes. Popped into La Opera to have a look at the interiors then we rambled off up to Montmatre for coffee. I brought Frank to Garry’s gallery where we bumped into him. So inevitably we all went for drinkies in Nazir, which has the sexiest tobacconist in Paris. The type of guy who make you’d gladly take up smoking. A bit tipsy.. I was topping up at this stage, we then had the most sensational dinner in a beautiful 1880s belle epoch restaurant called Julien.


It’s a real institution in Paris and it has all the original fixtures on the interiors which seemed to include some of the waiters. After two bottles of gorgasss chilled Saumur Champigny rouge vin between three of us I went off and meet Laurent and Alex and Sarah and sat outside point ephemere, muchos fun and muchos cheap red wine later… crawled into bed. Success.


Aparently Sarkozy has a massive cock or so I was informed today. Not bad for a 5 foot dwarf in heels. Makes you wonder what Carlas Bruni is singing about in French now.

Anyhoo. Went to Bastille for lunch with Frank and Alaine in Le Bastille and had a nice chilled Fleurie. Then we rambled on up to Basine Le Villette which was rammed. The urban renewal plans began in the 8Os so there’s relatively a lot of contemporary architecture straddling the basin, some nicer than others. But they all address the width of the canal by being at least 7 stories high. There’s a public service ferry you can take for only 1 euro that goes all along the canal, which I must take soon. We ended up at Park Le villette…Which was rammed full of hotties.  It’s also relatively new and was designed by  Bernard Tschumi in the 80s and contains the Cité de la Musique by Christian de Portzamparc in it, which I quite like.

But one of the most impressive features of the park is le Jardin des Bambous, which is submerged into the ground and contains a huge variety of bamboo. In the middle there is a cylindrical space designed by Bernhard Leitner, which is filled with the deep reverberating noises of the falling water. You could easily go for a piss in here in Peace.

Later on I went for dinner in this friendly French couples amazing house in the burbs.  It’s up on a hill so they had this lovely terrace which has a view of all across Paris, including the Eiffel Tower. We watched the red sunset across Paris drinking champagne. Then they put on this elaborate dinner;  a Frois gras and Mellon starter,  stuffed courgette and tomato for the main which they grew in their garden. Ugh. Christ If I had green fingers I would have vomit it back up out of domestic jealousy. My courgette landed on my plate between my two stuffed tomatoes, so I looked like I had a big stuffed vegetable cock and balls on my plate, which frankly I couldn’t stop laughing at.  Served with loads more red Bordeaux, as Jean Pauls is from, Bordeaux.  Then we had some shots of illegally made hooch which must have been about 70 proof.  Fun times.

More of that ploise.


It was of course another amazeballs sunny day today, outrageously hot. Hung over harry I met Frank at the arch Triumph, we both went up to the roof. It has  spectacular views streaching from La Defence where you could see Le Grande Arch and how It is aligned on a slightly tilted axis, on the opposite side of the Triumphs roof you could see right down Champs Elysee and all around the 12  roads that descend from the roundabout.

Apres ca we made our way to Park Andre Citroen at Ballard, where we had lunch , some tasty Croque Madam in a Brasserie. Citroen park is the old site of the Citroen manufacturing plant and was donated to the city by Citroen. At the top of the park there are some 114 water jets that spray from the ground. There’s was this really charming scene of tonnes of children playing in them and running through the jets of water in the baking sun.

Childre Citroen

It’s definitely one of Parisians most successful urban plazas particularly on a sunny day.

Then as Frank had to go to the airport we departed and in his own words.
Sad to go Really..

All Saint Chappell

Headed out with the girlies on Wednesday after some drinks on the steps in Montmatre and ended up in Social club.

social club

I got chatting to some Frenchy feller that used to work in Toni and Guy on Dame street, Supposedly straight… yea, straight up his butt. Muchos funos though.

Then Frank arrived on Thursday morning. I met him at the base of hideous monstrosity that is Monparness tower. The architect that designed that shit should be ashamed of himself. Presumably it was a man. Then we went to this lovely creppery around the corner on rue de Monparness (i think) It was the nicest crepe I’ve ever eaten. A buck wheat crep avec spinach, egg, and French bacon, all washed down with a demi bottle of rose vin.

After that we headed off to the Pantheon and went inside. You have to pay for everything in Paris but it was worth the 10 eur.  In the middle of the dome hangs the worlds longest swinging pendulum and is moved rotation of the earth.  It was originally installed as an experiment to prove that the earth rotates on an axes around the sun.  The vaults were impressive too.


As I’d never seen nor heard of the Institut du Monde Arabe Paris, we went for a look. Established to promote relations between East and West, it was designed by Jean Nouvel. Nine stories high the fenestration on the south of the building really is it’s most interesting feature and is the visitors main attracton. Attached to the windows are metal diaphragms in an Arabic motif, which have an camera like shutter. The Iris are supposed to react to the sunlight controlling the amount of light within. The majority of which are disappointingly broken. However, we went up to the roof terrace which has spectacular of Paris along the Seine  and had some tres chere mint tea in the restaurant; during which a customer start playing his saxophone… glorious.

saint chappelle

Ater that Frank and myself rambled to Saint Chappell. A 12th Century cathedral which was the Kings private church. It is embellished with the most stunning gold leaf reliefs which are only outdone by the endlessly high stained glass windows, the most impressive I’ve ever seen or perhaps likely to see.

Then went back to Alain’s house. Had a few more glasses of vio, then off to dinner  which was in the words of J Meagher… SENSATIONAL. I ordered veil and we had a lovely bottle of le Meilleur vin blanc. After all the drink I was a little buzzed so I went home and had another bottle of presco and cycled into the Marais.

Then the most extraordinary thing happened next… As I was cycling onto a roundabout this man on a moped came skidding off it and the bike slowly skid past me. The chap was on the ground. I went over and helped him up. His lips wear bleeding and he had a scratch on his chin and his knees and elbows were cut and bleeding. I asked him did he want me to call an ambulance or the police. He he didn’t speak English but made ot clear that he didnt want them involved. I dapped the blood of his lips and by this stage I gathered that he must have been drunk.

We got talking in broken French and English and then I swear, he asked me to go with him to some gay club around the corner with him.

Christ on a cross… Oh The gays. You might have a motorbike accident and have blood pouring off your face but it wont put them off having a good night and chancing their arm with a stranger. Eventually he got back on his moped (which was a mess the front cover had come off) and I followed him towards the club cycling behind his wobbly moped. I got tired and turned around but the last I thing I saw were the bright sparks sprinkling off his bike as he drove down the street grazing the curb. Hilarious.

Went into the Marais, bumped into a guy I knew, the one with the penthouse who is apparently some ambassadors son. Or so he says. He bought a bottle champagne which we had then I toddled off home back to Place de clichy.

Fin 😉

Police and Penthouses.

Sightseeing in Paris

Well, I definitely saw some sights over the past day. I cycled into the Marais last night on this old rusted rickety bike. I was a bit wary of the bike, as a few days ago I was cycling along and nearly killed myself when the handlebars completely came off in my hands and I ended up cycling into a shop front. Luckily I had been going slowly. But last night I was also drinking one of those litre bottle of beers while cycling along. Muchos fun. Until I arrived at Le Opera where apparently there’s some sort of one way traffic system. Or so the police informed me when they pulled me over and searched me.

Of course I didn’t have an identity card on me or any ID, or really knew what they were saying. They asked me if I was drunk, I said seulement, a little..  But then they just told me to cycle down a street in the direction of the traffic instead and let me go on, beer in hand! Hilarious. Nice that they weren’t too heavy handed considering I probably looked like some mad Iris drunken lunatic, cyclying into the traffic while drinking a beer. Different from encountering the police in Ireland.. They were pefectly civilised.

So, cycling along the street in the Marais I saw this guy wearing a frilled shirt, shredded shorts and football boots. You could hear the studs from his boots clicking on the pavement from streets away. I thought he was tres intéressant. As I was cycling by he shouted out.. ‘Hey Stephen’. I gathered I must have met him out one night or something.  And later on I ended up meeting him outside of  Le Duplex again with a gang of people, which was closed at this point.

They were talking to this quite cute, but totally wasted Banker, who owned an apartment across from Le Duplex. A gang of 6 of us poured ourselves into his apartment, which was  fun… ( forward 1 hour – discretion advised..)

This banker guy seemed to have a girlfriend ( and the sexy girly magazines we found suggested he only moonlighted as a homo)  So, then we went on to Le Cud, which was super fun. I met this ride, who offered to buy me a drink. I said non.

But then he showed me he that he had two bottles of vodka, a bottle of champagne and a bottle of wine in a bucket, well. It would have been rude to say no and as an ambassador to Ireland I thought it my duty to maintain international relations and accept his kind offer. Having had a tipple or two.. and half of his bucket, I was pres legless. A few of us ended up back in this absolutely sensational penthouse. He had a cellar of wine down in the basement of the apartment, where we brought up three bottles of very nice,  Grand Cru, Romaine Conti,89..  rouge.

The apartment was bit.. ‘ I’m a gay who loves my perfect apartment/ interior design stuff’/ a la the Morgan hotel”.

And that was last night or this morning.

As the Irish Rail folks say..

”A lot done.. more to do” 🙂

The Indefensible, La Defense,


La Defense is vile.

Surreptitiously ploughed down as a marker of the health and vibrancy of Parisian financial sector. The buildings at La Defense are showcase for displaying egos and the corporate lads at the top are definitely playing hardball(s) in this grandiose cock measuring competition.  La defense’s saving grace is Le Grande Arch designed by Johann Otto Von Spreckelsen and is a 21st century nod of respect to the Arc de Triomphe which can be seen from the base of the Le Grande Arch, which coincidentally completes the Axe Historique.

The tallest building at La Defense, the EDF, isn’t the most offensive and is supposed to be comparatively slick as it is flanked by strips of plain steel and sheets of glass, but unlike the Lloyd’s bank headquaters in London which is interestingly beautiful in it’s ugliness, the EDF is supposedly more ”gracious” and it is also far more tedious. It’s serrated sharp edges, i think, sit uncomfortably on the plaza and the entrance is capped by a cantifleavered large steel plate in what looks like the remnants of an accident caused by a trashed Jean Luke piccard from Star Trek who flew his spaceship into the foyer. I found La defense a tad depressing, the architecture there anyway.

I was also interviewed for a teaching position there which went fine after which I met a lovely Irish Priest at the Irelandais Cultural, who was a character wittness for my new passport.

Boyz Boyz Boyz

There’s a great gay bar in Paris called Duplex in the Marais. After a couple of massive beers at home I strolled on in and bumped into a gang of people whom I obviously knew, but I didn’t know that I knew them. There’s was a chap there, Egor, who wears a man sized baby grow outfit. It’s interesting that he’s just having fun and running with it.  He’s also promised that he won’t wear underware next time he puts it on, we were having a peek. Egor’s also being photographed by Butt magazine and I think he is supposed to be in the next issue. Kate Moss might have graced the cover vogue 23 times but Egors gracing a lot more in middle of this rag mag.

Then walking home, some guy stopped me on a corner in the Marais, as he was cute I turned back and was like… ”Hay, whats your name”. I just presumed he was chatting fellas up. A second later, he has a face on him like a smacked arse and a bigger attitude problem than Naomi C. He replied, ”It’s JAMES, go back to where you came from.” It dawned on me today that its this Irish guy who I’ve met out a tonnes of times already.

Italian Bruno called over on Sat…


Swim + Laurent + drinks + interview thursday + Frank arrives:


Chez Julien, fabuloss restaurant.


A snip at a mere 13,000 a night…. fit for, ehem… A queen.

Currently (de)based in Paris :-)

Well, Paris so far has been super fun, super cute, super hot… supermarche…

There’s so many unique aspects to living here that I keep forgetting about, so I thought I could use this blog as a reminder, a continuous dribbling excretion of the events that occur here.

Sounds Charming, Non?

Speaking of which… you’ll never guess what happened last night…

Oh wait.. I’ll leave that to the next post 🙂